Playful Learning
Powerful Results

We believe that emotional intelligence is the foundation upon which all other intelligences are built and that preschool is the key time for instilling feelings of empowerment and empathy. Through imaginative play children naturally explore and practice these concepts on their own. Woven into our curriculum are tools and practices for expanding awareness and emotional resiliency.

Our Functional Education model is the dynamic evolution of play-based learning. Built on proven pedagogy, child-led subjects are explored through a Multiple Intelligences framework. Prioritizing each child's unique interests, a deep appreciation for their own curiosity and talents is instilled. Actively shaping their learning journey, students contribute to the curriculum and community structure within our mixed-age classrooms. We believe we are all students and teachers alike, allowing collaboration and independent exploration with a balance of group activities and unstructured play.

Functional Education

Daily connection with nature is a core commitment in our program. We believe that respect and responsibility for one's environment is a quality of joy to be inspired as well as a skill to be modeled and taught. Through practices of nature meditation, urban rewilding, zero waste initiatives, and non-toxic classroom management, we cultivate these values for our students to carry forward.


Play is a value that we prioritize across our community from our youngest toddlers to parents & teachers. These days there is so much good research on the power and importance of play. Whether it’s play in the conventional sense of toys and games or adults adopting an attitude of play within life’s mundane tasks, prioritizing play enhances emotional, social and intellectual pursuits for humans of all ages.

Fun as Function